
529 route de la défriche 71320 Toulon-sur-Arroux
529 route de la défriche 71320 Toulon-sur-Arroux
Come and share an unusual and immersive experience!

Extraordinary games in the heart of nature!
XXL games, cow-toboggan, agility course and panoramic forest tour, pedal go-karts, mini-golf, barefoot trail, mazes of all kinds, panoramic forest tour... for a family day full of surprises!

New for 2024 :
LÜ, a fun, interactive gym
Podcasts, an immersive audio journey with the Cows!
Looking for a challenge? Take up the 12 Explor Games® challenges throughout the park using your Smartphone: observation games, riddle solving, sporting events... 2 levels of difficulty (course for 3-10 year olds and course for teenagers-adults).

Diverti'Parc is also a regional botanical garden and a zoo with 20 breeds of cows from all over the world... Can you recognise them while creating your own landart on the Salamandre sensory trail?

Extend your stay with an unusual night in one of the park's accommodations: Vache Ecolodge, family trailers, goutte d'Ô, spaceship, carré d'étoiles...
Create your own family souvenir album! Share a moment of conviviality by dining on the cow terrace or in a kota-grill!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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