Les Celliers Amadieu - Pierre Amadieu

201 Route des Princes d'Orange 84190 Gigondas
201 Route des Princes d'Orange 84190 Gigondas
The estate's vineyards extend over 137 hectares in the heights of the Dentelles de Montmirail, making it the largest estate in Gigondas.

Grouped around the buildings of La Romane and Machotte, the vines benefit from an exceptional location.

The altitude, the North/North-West orientation of our slopes and the uniqueness of our terroirs, unique in the Gigondas area, bring freshness and finesse to our wines.

Long, measured ageing in wood enables us to produce well-balanced Gigondas with a long finish.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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