Domaine Les Hautes Cances

20 chemin de la Barque 84290 Cairanne
20 chemin de la Barque 84290 Cairanne
The plots of land in the Cairanne appellation are mainly located on higher ground, notably the vines of the Col du Débat, and flourish on north-facing slopes exposed to the Mistral wind. These factors favor freshness in the wines.
The other parcels are closer to the village, on the terroir of the Aygues terraces and garrigues, bringing elegance and fruitiness to the wines.
The estate was taken over in 2019 by the Amadieu family. They wish to maintain the same winemaking spirit as they have done on their Gigondas estate for over 90 years, seeking the best expression of the terroir.

You can find the full range of Les Hautes Cances wines at the Pierre Amadieu estate in Gigondas (free admission every day from 10am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 5:30pm, except weekends in January and February).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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