Château La Gordonne

Château la Gordonne 83390 Pierrefeu-du-Var
Château la Gordonne 83390 Pierrefeu-du-Var
A restoration on the scale of Château La Gordonne is a rare occurrence. It's a difficult task, long and full of pitfalls, but French craftsmen have a unique spirit. They know how to perpetuate remarkable skills, and they have a passion for their craft and for a job well done... just like our cellar master!

Château La Gordonne is one of the oldest and largest estates in Provence. Situated in the heart of the Golden Triangle of the Côtes de Provence AOC, the estate covers 330 hectares of vines spread over clay-limestone and schist soils, giving the wines great finesse and aromatic complexity.

Come and enjoy an exceptional tour in a Provencal setting that celebrates the French art of living. At the end of the tour, you'll taste our fine, organically grown wines.

Visit Château La Gordonne all year round:
- Guided tour of the estate, its garden and rose garden, and wine tasting, by prior arrangement: €20/person.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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