Château Cohola

415 route de Carpentras 84110 Sablet
415 route de Carpentras 84110 Sablet
Cheli and Jérôme Busato cultivate the vineyard, which extends over 4 hectares and 15 terraces on the slopes of the Dentelles de Montmirail, classified as Côtes du Rhône Villages Sablet and certified organic. Low yields, manual harvesting, minimalist cellar work: everything is conducive to making wines for ageing, but also for pleasure.
Artisanal wines that reflect the terroir.
Their COR HOMINIS LAETIFICAT range, also known by the acrostic CO HO LA, sums up the spirit of their wines. In Latin, COR HOMINIS LAETIFICAT translates as "Delights the Heart of Man", or more simply, "Makes Pleasure!

In addition to discovering the wines, the domaine also offers :

Visits last around 2h00 (exceptional panoramic views over the Ouvèze valley, the cliffs of Rasteau, Cairanne and the village of Sablet below). The tours cover viticulture, olive-growing and bee-keeping, as well as the vineyards, the olive grove and the honey factory.
Also covered: geology, botany, culture, the history of Provence, the climate and its changes, against a backdrop of the importance of preserving nature through our profession. Tours available in English and French every day.
Spanish, Italian or Dutch by appointment (please contact us in advance). For a pleasant experience and to keep out the heat, tours take place mainly in the mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 (you're in the vineyards from 10:00 to 11:00), before chilling out in the honey house and cellars afterwards!
. Max 10 pers.
. By appointment only. Price: 45€/pers.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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