Cercle des Vignerons du Rhône Ortas Cave de Rasteau

Route des Princes d'Orange 84110 Rasteau
Route des Princes d'Orange 84110 Rasteau
La cave de Rateau produit des vins de caractère qui reflètent toute la typicité d’un terroir d’exception.

The Rasteau cellar lies between Vaison-la-Romaine and Orange and is happy to welcome individuals and groups in its modern, hewn-stone cellar, a luminous, welcoming place.

Enjoy free tastings of the wines in the Ortas range, which include Rasteau, Rasteau Natural Sweet Wine, Côtes-du-Rhône Villages and Côtes-du-Rhône. In addition to the free tasting, the dynamic team at the tasting cellar welcomes individuals and groups all year long for private tastings, guided outings into the vineyards, and other festive and gourmet events.

Check out our events under the heading Tourisme Viticole – Accueil de groupes or Animations at our Web site http://www.cavederasteau.com/rasteau-visite-vignoble-degustation-vins or on our Facebook page Ortas Cave de Rasteau.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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