Théâtre Antique d'Orange

Rue Madeleine Roch 84100 Orange
Rue Madeleine Roch 84100 Orange
The audioguided tour will take you back through the history of the monument, as well as the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, which traces the history of Orange from antiquity to the 20th century. Built at the beginning of the Christian era, it owes its reputation to the remarkable preservation of its stage wall.

The Theatre features all the components of the Latin Theatre according to Vitruvius: the cavea (hemicyclic seating), the side entrances and the stage wall flanked by parascenia. Designed to accommodate Gallo-Roman audiences, this was the place to spread Roman culture and language. 9,000 spectators could attend tragedies and comedies, as well as dance, acrobatics and juggling shows. Columns and numerous statues in niches originally decorated the stage wall. Burnt down in the 4th century, the theater lost its original function. Its location at the foot of the hill made it an integral part of the city's defense. Over time, it was invaded by houses
and became a veritable residential district. It wasn't until the 19th century that the ancient theater was revived as a performance venue. Auguste Caristie, chief architect of historic monuments, was responsible for its restoration.

Today, the theater welcomes tens of thousands of spectators every year for various summer events, including the famous Chorégies.

The virtual reality experience "Les Secrets du Théâtre, un voyage inattendu" plunges you into the heart of the Theater's golden age in the 1st century, to discover its monumental sets.

At the heart of the Theatre's visit is an educational trail entitled "From Roman to Modern Genius", which shows you how Roman genius developed in a remarkable way and left its mark on our modern culture and civilization.

A new "Legends of the Theatre" tour is also available, allowing you to experience the magic of contemporary shows through 360° videos.

Built under Tiberius in the 1st century, the Arc de Triomphe served as the gateway to the Roman city of Arausio. Its magnificent panels and friezes commemorate Roman victories over barbarian peoples. Another testament to Roman grandeur in Orange, the Arc de Triomphe was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1981.

Store open every day, all year round
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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