166 rue Charles Garnier 88800 Vittel
166 rue Charles Garnier 88800 Vittel
The Vittel Heritage Museum features a large permanent exhibition on the evolution of Vittel from a rural village in the 19th century to a luxurious town in the 20th, thanks to the arrival and rapid development of the spa industry.

the exhibition features 15 paintings: rural life, the first spring, the Bouloumié family, the first thermal baths, hotels, traffic jams, mechanotherapy in the early 20th century, etc., with dozens of antique objects and period photos.

FREE ADMISSION: 6 Euros per person / GUIDED ADMISSION 7 Euros per person upon reservation

Group rates on request

BON PLAN : Ask for the "Pass Vosges" (free) at the Tourist Office to benefit from a 1? discount !
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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