Rue René Bazin 85220 Saint-Révérend
Rue René Bazin 85220 Saint-Révérend
The Moulin des Gourmands overlooks the commune of Saint Révérend, in the Vendée, and takes you on a guided tour to reveal all the secrets of flour production.

Join the miller on a 3-storey tour of how wheat grains are transformed into flour.

The mill tower houses a mechanism where belts, bushels, flint millstones and old-fashioned techniques produce flour.

The tour will awaken all your senses.

First of all, your ears. You'll learn to listen to the mill and its workings. Each mechanical part has its own creak and squeak. Occasionally, a bell will tinkle inside the mill, and it's up to you to find out why. Then there are the olfactory sensations. The scent of wheat transformed into flour, wood, grease, all smells associated with flour making. Finally, touch. The miller feels, compacts and touches the flour. These gestures allow him to assess the quality of the flour.

Visits can be booked online or by telephone.

Restaurant and bakery on site.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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