La salle capitulaire du Prieuré de La Charité-sur-Loire

Prieuré 58400 La Charité-sur-Loire
Prieuré 58400 La Charité-sur-Loire
The priory of La Charité has been the subject of a vast restoration project. Today, some areas have been completed, and the public is discovering or rediscovering the treasures of the monument's Romanesque architecture. The cloister, the 18th century rooms and two vaulted rooms have now been renovated, the first is the chapter house, the second, known as the Mérimée room, opens onto a third, transformed into a public passageway after the Revolution. The different periods of the monastery have been respected and harmonised, the contribution of light has been favoured, glass and metal have been used with alternating bands of transparent and translucent glass, worked like a stained glass window. Inaugurated in October 2012, the contemporary stained glass windows of Christopher Wool, a New York artist, decorate these two rooms. A lively and cheerful work. To be discovered!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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