Hôtel-Dieu Louhans-Châteaurenaud - Apothicairerie

3, rue du Capitaine Vic 71500 Louhans
3, rue du Capitaine Vic 71500 Louhans
The hospital at Louhans-Châteaurenaud is home to a collection of furnishings and architecture of rare homogeneity and exceptional quality. A main courtyard provides access to the patients' wards, whose furnishings have been preserved. The building remained in use until 1977. The apothecary is the jewel in the crown of the Hôtel-Dieu. The earthenware collection sums up the history of the apothecary pot, from the Hispano-Moorish model of the late 15th century (brown and blue) to the Nevers model (bright blue). Its earthenware and blown glass still contain products of animal, mineral and plant origin. A unique collection in Europe.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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