Grotte du Lazaret
Visit and discover this important worldwide prehistoric site detailling more than 70 000 years of the history of mankind. This international renowned venue, excavated and studied for over a century, is now open to the public.
Educational trail, guided tour, exhibition room and the visit in the very heart of the cave trace the life of the human groups who sporadically lived in the cave. Thanks to discovered tools, fireplaces and bones, the image of skilled tools carvers, experienced hunters and strategists is detailed far away from the rough one related to this pre-neandertal humanity.
Educational trail, guided tour, exhibition room and the visit in the very heart of the cave trace the life of the human groups who sporadically lived in the cave. Thanks to discovered tools, fireplaces and bones, the image of skilled tools carvers, experienced hunters and strategists is detailed far away from the rough one related to this pre-neandertal humanity.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
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