Domaine national du Château d'Angers

2 promenade du Bout du Monde 49100 Angers
2 promenade du Bout du Monde 49100 Angers
Discover one of the best-preserved medieval fortresses in France. Angers castle with its emblematic 800m of castellated enclosure looks as if it is a natural extension of the rocky promontory sitting high above the river Maine. No matter how you approach it, from the river or down one of the ancient cobbled streets, the long windowless walls are accentuated by duotone towers with their ominous configuration of arrow slits, hinting at not only its architectural dominance over the surrounding city but also its majesty and historical importance.

Inside there is an even greater treasure: the literally monumental Apocalypse tapestry. At 103m in length, it is the largest woven work of medieval times. This unique masterpiece illustrates the historical, social and political context of the 14th Century in France – the time of the Hundred Years War, plague and famine.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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