Carmel - Maison du patrimoine

34/36 rue des capucins 80100 Abbeville
34/36 rue des capucins 80100 Abbeville
This old monastery and its gardens were occupied successively by the Capuchin friars from the 17th century to the French Revolution and then by the Carmelite sisters from 1821 to 1998. Over the years, the nuns restored the monastery and transformed it into a regular carmel. They built, among other things, a new chapel and a cloister. Since there were no longer enough nuns to live in the building, they left in 1998, when the City purchased the property. The management of the Heritage Unit and the Heritage Department are now located there. The Carmel has thus found a second life by becoming the Maison du Patrimoine. The house hosts numerous cultural events throughout the year (contemporary art and heritage exhibitions, concerts, tours, workshops) both indoors and in the vast gardens surrounding the former monastery.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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