Antraïgues : village de caractère

And then the entire village is before your eyes. As happened to me when I discovered it the first time, sitting on its rocky spur, nearly forty years ago.It was at once and remains for me like the prow of the Cévenne Ardéchoise around which radiated over 360° all the valleys, rivers and passes crisscrossed by innumerable paths. It its thanks to them that we can discover the soul of this country in the most intimate manner, meander there and dream as they all join together in the village like the artery of a beating heart.I am fortunate in that I live in one of these valleys.I think I will live there always."Jean FERRAT
Located in the heart of the young Ardèche volcanoes, Antraigues is a village of character that culminates at an elevation of 470 meters.Bearing witness to this eruptive period, the promontory on which the village is built overlooks the valleys of the two streams of the Volane and Mas, hence the name of the village "entre aigues" (between the waters), offering a picturesque landscape with a view over secular chestnut trees, terrace cultivation and basaltic flows.From the main square, true heart of the village where bowls players are often an attraction, the stone-paved streets lead us to discover the many sculptures decorating the walls of the church, houses and streets of Antraigues.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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