Maison du Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande

692 Rue du Petit Pont 76940 Notre-Dame-de-Bliquetuit
692 Rue du Petit Pont 76940 Notre-Dame-de-Bliquetuit
Located in the Brotonne loop at Notre-Dame-de-Bliquetuit, the Maison du Parc houses both the administrative headquarters of the Regional Nature Park and a reception area designed to provide information on its missions, as well as on the region's rich heritage, events and tourist activities.

The Maison du Parc is housed in a former farmhouse, including a 16th-century manor house, bread oven, barn, dovecote, carriage house, wine press and an apple orchard. The buildings can be seen from the outside, on a 5-hectare area open to walks, during which you might even come across some Highland cows...
The Maison du Parc is also the starting point for a beautiful hike (circuit n°16 Le Bliquetuit - 11.5 km - 3h). Numerous picnic tables and toilets make this a pleasant stopover. A bike repair kit and a plug for recharging the batteries of electric-assist bikes are available at reception.

Please note: Only the reception area in the manor house is open to the public. The buildings are exclusively reserved for professional use. They are not accessible to the public. Thank you for your understanding.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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