La Maison du Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches en Limousin

7 route d'Aubusson 19290 Millevaches
7 route d'Aubusson 19290 Millevaches
Certified by the French Ministry of the Environment, the NRP's mission is to :
? to protect the region's heritage, in particular through appropriate management of natural environments and landscapes,
? contribute to regional development,
? contribute to economic, social and cultural development and quality of life,
? welcome, educate and inform the public,
? to carry out experimental or exemplary actions in the above-mentioned fields, and to contribute to research programs.
The Maison du Parc at Millevaches allows you to discover the richness of the region thanks to an interior scenography (window-frames, informative labels, map boxes, sensitive map of the landscape, mobiles, etc.) and exterior facilities (farm history "glasses", panoramic bench, playful "commas", Plateau plateaux, etc.).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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