The museum of Art and Archeology

37 rue des Carmes 15000 Aurillac
37 rue des Carmes 15000 Aurillac
The Musée d'art et d'archéologie (Museum of Art and Archaeology) takes visitors on a journey through the history of people and the region.

The ethnographic collections evoke the region's popular and industrial traditions, such as umbrella production, an ancient skill for which the town is renowned. Tools and manufacturing accessories are displayed alongside precious and system umbrellas.

The rich archaeological collections retrace life and settlement in the Cantal region from its earliest origins to the medieval period. Paleolithic bifaces, tools and furniture from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic periods precede the evocation of local Gallo-Roman and medieval sites. The exhibition concludes with the presentation of remains from the Saint-Géraud Abbey in Aurillac.

The final level, devoted to the painting and sculpture collections, covers the main trends in the history of art from the 15th to the 20th century. The display sheds light on different stylistic trends, illustrated by religious and historical painting, portraits, landscapes and genre scenes. It concludes with a selection of contemporary works of art (sculpture, painting, graphics) by Aurillac collector Jean-Claude Sergues.

Punctuating the tour, showcases present some of the rich collections of the Muséum des Volcans (currently closed), offering a cross-fertilization of the arts and sciences.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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