Terra Botanica

route d'Epinard BP 80 609 49100 Angers
route d'Epinard BP 80 609 49100 Angers
Located on the edge of Angers, it is the first theme park in Europe dedicated to plant life. With 11 hectares of gardens, water features and greenhouses, 275,000 plants, some 40 new attractions added last year and entertainments (4D films, interactive games, crossing a bamboo forest, ascending into the treetops), Terra Botanica offers a whole new approach to the world of plants, taking the visitor on an amazing journey of fun and learning.

Terra Botanica is a trailblazing park, designed in a spirit of respect for the environment, of preservation and of transmission to future generations of our exceptional natural heritage.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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