Slate museum (Musée de l'Ardoise)

32 chemin de la Maraichère 49800 Trélazé
32 chemin de la Maraichère 49800 Trélazé
The slate museum is a place to learn about the work of the region’s shale miners; a great place to discover the geology of region, the evolution of quarrying over 600 years, the daily life of slate workers and the landscapes they created. Truly interactive and educational, it includes a live demonstration on the ancient techniques used to create the tiles that adorn many of the roofs in the Loire Valley.

Since 2015, three new exhibition halls are now open to the public. The museography has been entirely rethought and modernised to encourage visitors to wander through an interactive and educational museum area dedicated to younger audiences. The museum also spurs on visitors to discover the region’s geology, the evolution of quarrying over a period of more than 600 years, the daily life of slate workers, the quarry landscape and mining objects.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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