Musée Ledoux

Grande Rue 25610 Arc-et-Senans
Grande Rue 25610 Arc-et-Senans
The only museum in Europe dedicated to an architect, the Claude Nicolas Ledoux Museum retraces the life and work of the creator of the Royal Saltworks through some sixty models. You will discover his built work, of which only a few buildings remain, as well as his dream projects.

A multilingual touch screen is at your disposal to discover the architect's planned and built work, explained in three ways. A scientific tour presents, in particular, the digitised plates of the treatise "L'architecture considérée sous le rapport de l'art, des mœurs et de la législation" by Claude Nicolas Ledoux. Thanks to 3D modelling of the architect's dream monuments, architecture lovers can see these works come to life before their eyes. Finally, a discovery trail allows visitors to explore the different facets of the architect, who was also a philosopher and writer.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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