Musée Jacques Guidez

10 Rue de la Gendarmerie 79600 Airvault
10 Rue de la Gendarmerie 79600 Airvault
In the heart of Airvault's Petite Cité de Caractère, visitors can admire the beauty of the former Augustinian abbey, founded in the late 10th century. The buildings date from the 12th (vat house, fortified gate), 14th (chapel) and 17th centuries (abbey dwelling). They house the Jacques Guidez Museum, which boasts an important collection of ethnographic objects. The gardens are freely accessible all year round. The museum is open from Monday April 15 to Sunday September 29, 2024. The rural world of yesteryear is well represented (crafts, domestic life, childhood, games and toys, agriculture...). Discover the town of Airvault in medieval times using virtual reality when the museum is open, with légendR! Take a tour of the historic center and discover the abbey, cloister and market halls of Airvault as they were in the Middle Ages.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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