Musée départemental des Arts & Techniques

Rue des Lavières 70600 Champlitte
Rue des Lavières 70600 Champlitte
The regional Arts and Techniques Museum
is located up in Champlittle and
offers the visitor a glance at the evolution
of artisanal techniques during the first
decades of the 20th century. New energy
sources such as the steam engine, electricity,
or even the spark ignition engine
completely transformed the work habits
and shops of the artisans represented
here – the cobblers, shoemakers, cheesemongers,
bakers, etc.
Modern methods of transportation such
as cars and bicycles existed alongside traditional
horse-drawn vehicles, and several
examples of the latter are on display here.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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