Musée Archéologique de Civaux

30 Place de Gomelange 86320 Civaux
30 Place de Gomelange 86320 Civaux
The museum welcomes you in a modern setting to discover the rich heritage of Civaux. From the Middle Ages to prehistory, step back in time through the museum's rich archaeological collections.
A 20-minute film will tell you more about the history and archaeology of Civaux and its exceptional Merovingian necropolis just a few yards away.
Throughout the year, discover temporary exhibitions, an escape game "La Fibule filante", family treasure hunts and workshops for children and adults.
Guided tours (individuals and adults) are available, scheduled or by appointment. Audioguides are available for self-guided tours.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
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