Maison Ravier

302, Rue Auguste Ravier 38510 Morestel
302, Rue Auguste Ravier 38510 Morestel
This early 18th-century residence in the heart of the old town is remarkable for the elegance of its proportions: it is accessed via an authentic porch with a carriage entrance that gives it its distinctive character.

A 3-sided mansard roof with windows, covered in flaked tiles like the Dauphiné houses in the region, and four rows of genoises at its base, bear witness to the affluence of the owners who built this building.

Set on the heights of the town, the terrace planted with lime trees and its gardens offer an astonishing panoramic view of the Bugey and Chartreuse mountains, the Belledonne and Vercors ranges.

A town museum, the interior has retained the charm of days gone by and houses a collection dedicated to Auguste Ravier, a precursor of Impressionism, and his painter friends. It also features portraits by the painter François Guiguet, touching us with their sensitivity and tenderness.

Temporary exhibitions punctuate the season. The Maison Ravier has signed the "Musée joyeux charter" and regularly offers a whole programme of original, fun activities for families.

The museum has also been awarded the "Accueil vélo" label and offers a range of services for cyclists.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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