Maison de la Poterie

Place Fouragnan 33670 Sadirac
Place Fouragnan 33670 Sadirac
The Maison de la Poterie, built around the remains of a 19th-century potter's kiln, showcases Sadirac's exceptional cultural heritage, with a museum dedicated to ceramics and creative workshops. The museum exhibits a permanent collection of 200 ceramics from archaeological digs, as well as videos showing throwing techniques. You'll discover an interactive panel showing the layout of workshops and potter?s kilns in operation at different times, as well as the reconstruction of a 16th-century wheel lathe and a 1930s pedal lathe. The museum?s contemporary space hosts numerous temporary exhibitions dedicated to contemporary ceramics. Ceramic workshops and courses are offered throughout the year.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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