Lapidary Museum

27 rue de la République 84000 Avignon
27 rue de la République 84000 Avignon
Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Gallo-roman and Paleochristian pieces are part of the collections, as well as a spectacular compilation of ancient Corinthian and Italic vases and numerous objects from the daily life such as funeral furniture, vases, glassware, jewelry and bronze objects.
The whole collection is a historical and artistic treasure, established in 1810 by a legacy from Esprit Calvet, acquisitions and gifts from the State, as well as objects found in archeological excavations in Vaison-la-Romaine and some ancient European collections.

Self-guided visit of about 1 hour.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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