Four des Casseaux - Ancien Four à porcelaine - Monument historique

1 rue Victor Duruy 87100 Limoges
1 rue Victor Duruy 87100 Limoges
The Casseaux kiln museum is a listed site dedicated to one of the world?s most famous ceramics, Limoges porcelain.
Built in 1900, this so-called "reverse-flame" kiln is 20 meters high and 8 meters in diameter. It could hold up to 15,000 pieces.

This 19th-century industrial building traces the history of this art industry through its technical and artistic aspects, as well as its social history.

The museum contains a rich collection of archival photographs illustrating the work of workers in Limoges porcelain factories. The tour takes in a number of showcases illustrating the milestones in the history of porcelain.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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