Centre Sir John Monash

Mémorial National australien Route de Villers-Bretonneux 80800 Fouilloy
Mémorial National australien Route de Villers-Bretonneux 80800 Fouilloy
The Sir John Monash Centre tells the story of the Australian experience on the Western Front through the words of those who took part. Established on the site of the Australian National Memorial and adjacent to the Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, the Sir John Monash Centre is a key location on the Australian Way of Remembrance.

Average length of visit: 1h30 to 2h (6h total content).

For the visit of the Center, visitors are invited to download the SJMC application on their smartphone or tablet, and to bring earphones, necessary for the use of the application (and available for purchase in the center?s boutique for 3?).

Free WIFI access is available throughout the site. The Sir John Monash Centre is 90 minutes north of Paris by car. It lies 20 km east of Amiens, halfway between Villers-Bretonneux, Corbie and Fouilloy. It lies behind the Australian National Memorial on the D23.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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