Centre Juno Beach

Voie des Français Libres 14470 Courseulles-sur-Mer
Voie des Français Libres 14470 Courseulles-sur-Mer
The Juno Beach Centre is the only Canadian museum on the D-Day landing beaches.
The Centre presents the civil and military war effort in Canada and on the various fronts during the Second World War. This place of remembrance pays tribute to the 45,000 Canadians who lost their lives during the war, including 5,500 during the Battle of Normandy and 381 on D-Day. The Juno Beach Centre is also a window on the Canada of today. Explore Juno", a tour for young visitors, for the whole family. Hosted by young Canadian guides, the average visit lasts 1 hour 30 minutes.

Guided tour with a Canadian guide of the beach and the remains of the Atlantic Wall from April to October. Duration: 45 minutes. Visit times on the museum website.

The Juno Beach Centre is committed to remembrance and sustainable development

NEW 80th anniversary :
New temporary exhibition "Rising to the Challenge: The Royal Canadian Air Force in the Second World War" from 1 February 2023.
Updated "Faces of Canada Today" room
Outdoor exhibition "The Juno Beach Centre and the 17 United Nations SDGs".
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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