Bugey-Valromey Museum

3 rue Centrale 01260 Arvière-en-Valromey
3 rue Centrale 01260 Arvière-en-Valromey
Located in a carefully preserved Renaissance-style house, at the foot of Grand Colombier Mountain, the Bugey-Valromey Museum will transport you through centuries of Bugey life, from the 19th century to today.

The kitchen and scullery with a slopstone sink, the bedroom, cellar and outhouse and the dovecotes provide the stage for reconstructions and displays of the museum’s collections. The area’s history, significant people, daily life, geography and wildlife, means of transportation and landscapes are just some of the main themes presented in the exhibitions.

Wood has always been, and continues to be, one of the area’s most important resources. An underlying theme of the visit, wood is featured in several of the museum’s collections, such as in the workshops which showcase the tools and material used in woodcraft professions (e.g. lumberjacks, coal producers, wheelwrights, coopers and woodturners). More impressive yet is the collection of turned artwork produced by 30 international artists, on display in the Renaissance house.

Bugey also has a remarkable natural landscape of green countryside and rolling hills - the view from the museum illustrates this. It is therefore no surprise that artists have always been inspired by its landscapes; and hikers by its valleys.

From April to November, the museum calendar is marked by an excellent cultural programme that brings together quality and conviviality, offering something for all tastes and all ages!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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