Allée de l'Espace Saint Martin 54700 Pont-à-Mousson
Allée de l'Espace Saint Martin 54700 Pont-à-Mousson
The town of Pont-à-Mousson welcomes you with pleasure in its marina located on the right bank at kilometre point 328. The narrow entrance to the water, sheltered from the swirling of the pool, offers peace and quiet to boaters. Situated at the gates of the town, whose architectural and cultural richness you will be able to discover
Accessible to people with reduced mobility. On-site services: waste water, sanitary facilities, garbage cans, electricity, water, boat launch. Nearby services: shops, pharmacies, doctors. Animations and activities: Abbaye des Prémontrés, Municipal Museum "Au fil du papier", Saint Martin and Saint Laurent churches, festivities in July and August every Friday evening in the districts and every Saturday evening on the Place Duroc.
Phone reception from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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