Musée atelier du Feutre

Musée du Feutre Place du Colombier 08210 Mouzon
Musée du Feutre Place du Colombier 08210 Mouzon
The only one of its kind in France, the Musée du Feutre de laine invites you to discover the world's oldest textile in an original way. All you need to make felt is water, heat and movement! The museum's Turkish collections bear witness to this craft and to the many uses of felt in everyday life on the Anatolian shores.Your visit to the museum is also an opportunity to discover the industrial past of Mouzon, the last town in France to be home to a felt factory. You'll be able to watch the factory's machines in action, thanks to the museum's reduced-scale felting line, which the guides will operate for you.Learn to felt at the museum! The museum offers felting workshops for adults and children. Using wools of different colors, create your own unique piece and leave with it at the end of your visit. It's a fun way to learn! School and group visits by prior arrangement
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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