Guided descent from 5 years old- CCC-Canoë

3737 route des Vans 07140 Les Assions
3737 route des Vans 07140 Les Assions
For those who want an introduction, to improve their skills and to take children from 5yrs old in complete safety.
One of our instructors will accompany you throughout the descent, teaching you basic canoe handling skills and sharing with you their passion for our beautiful river: flora and fauna, heritage, history… let yourself be lead!

Direct access to the river with a beach, in an exceptional location offering all the amenities, and a bar and restaurant nearby
A family business with a fully competent team.25 years of passion !
Offering top quality, accredited by Qualité Tourism, a state label
We offer quality equipment that is maintained, inspected regularly.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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