Claudel-Stendhal Exhibition

Espace Claudel / Stendhal 38510 Brangues
Espace Claudel / Stendhal 38510 Brangues
"L'enfance de l'art" is a contemporary art exhibition created and designed by artists and scenographers Adèle Ogier, painter, and Mélanie Bourlon, sculptor. The two-part exhibition invites you to immerse yourself in animal art, and particularly in Mélanie Bourlon's studio.
With several levels of perception and discovery, this exhibition is as accessible to children as it is to adults, and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

"I play the blacks, you play the reds" is an exhibition-game that invites young and old to play! You'll meet the protagonists of Stendhal's novel "The Red and the Black", the story of which was inspired by a tragedy that happened in the village. You'll be able to slip into the shoes of the characters, discover their era, re-tell the story and, above all, play... There's a special area for toddlers, with games specially created for them.

The exhibitions are accompanied by "special" tours and practical art workshops (throughout the season), as well as live performances and festive events (opening on 29 May, "unveiling" and BrangaZik Festival on 7 September, European Heritage Days and closing of the season on 21 and 22 September, etc.).

You can find out more about the art workshops as part of the "Jar(t)din" joint event, on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8pm, in the Brangues shared garden. You're very welcome, whether you're coming as a neighbour, a friend or just to join in !
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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