Arbr'en Ciel Evreux

Domaine de Trangis 27000 Évreux
Domaine de Trangis 27000 Évreux
Five minutes away from the centre of Evreux, discover the adventure park Arbr’En Ciel at the Domaine de Trangis with its seven rope courses designed for all the family including children older than 3 years old.
Come climb trees and try a unique nature experience. Laughter guaranteed! The rope courses are equipped with a safe and secure lifeline from start to finish.
An educational trail focusing on trees that combines orienteering, quiz questions and nature trail. It is ideal to increase your knowledge of the environment and how to respect it.
Other activities available on site: sumo wrestling and outdoor escape game (two levels of difficulty: adults and children).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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