Hakuna Matata holiday cottage & Spa

799 route de Saint-Maurice 73240 Gresin
799 route de Saint-Maurice 73240 Gresin
A 150m2 holiday cottage with a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom.
- Living room with visible stones, a chimney and an old press.
- Light therapy VIP Spa option, care and massages.
- Outdoor sports, walks and horseriding nearby.
- Gourmet menu at home on booking.

Ideally located at the bottom of St James's Way and GR65, at a height of 450m with a view over the mountains, the Gresin hills and the horses!
Nearby: lake of Aiguebelette, Epine pass, Banchet pass, Mont Tournier, Via Rhôna, Walibi, etc.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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