Tourist office of Vienne

Cours Brillier - CS 700 38200 Vienne
Cours Brillier - CS 700 38200 Vienne
The Vienne Condrieu Tourisme teams welcome visitors and tourists to the Tourism Pavilion on the banks of the Rhône.

In this spacious, bright building, you can of course take advantage of personalised advice to help you organise your stay or visit, but you can also admire a wine wall more than 10 metres high, containing around 900 bottles!

The tourist pavilion also offers a daily hire service for mechanical or electric bicycles, so you can discover the ViaRhôna at your own pace and with complete peace of mind.

Finally, if you're looking for a souvenir of your visit, our shop is sure to delight you: gourmet products, Roman wines, children's building sets, story books, designer space... You won't know what to choose!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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