Tourist Office of Pays de Nemours

28 rue Gautier 1er 77140 Nemours
28 rue Gautier 1er 77140 Nemours
In our reception area, the councillors in our stay offer you:

- Thematic guided tours for the individual public (calendar of visits available at the office and on the website).

- Guided tours for the public group all year round by reservation

- A ticket office for shows and concerts

- Providing tourist documentation and local information

- The sale of bus tickets

- A shop space composed of different products: poppy specialities, postcards, brand pages, magnets, books, IGN cards and topoguides, objects to offer...

Equipped with the Home & Bike label, the Tourist Office provides cyclotourists with practical information, a bicycle pump and offers repair kits for sale. Bike racks are also accessible at the entrance to the reception area (castle courtyard).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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