Tourisme Villeneuve Vallée du Lot - PIT Villeuve-sur-Lot

Rue Federico Garcia Lorca 47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot
Rue Federico Garcia Lorca 47300 Villeneuve-sur-Lot
The tourist information office is located in the town center, near the town hall. It was inaugurated in 2013. Spacious, uncluttered premises welcome visitors in an atmosphere of relaxation and discovery. The reception is organized into different areas: reception, store, relaxation, exhibition area, edutainment discovery.
BERNINI Valérie: Visitor advisor - Welcome and quality manager - Observatory
DELORGE Line: Visitor advisor - Marketing, groups and out-of-town visits
FAGOT Lindsay: Visitor Advisor - Agenda Manager
FEILLE Guilhaine: Administrative department
BENAGLIA Marianne: Communications Officer / Territory Reporter
TRAVERSIER Virginie: Visitor advisor, agritourism, nature, boutique, supplier relations
MARTIN Christophe: Director
HO Alicia: Assistant Manager
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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