Suisse Normande Tourisme - Bureau d'informations touristiques de Thury-Harcourt

2 place Saint Sauveur 14220 Thury-Harcourt-le-Hom
2 place Saint Sauveur 14220 Thury-Harcourt-le-Hom
Thury-Harcourt/Le Hom is located twenty kilometres south of Caen, in the Orne valley.

In the surrounding undulating countryside, the picturesque village of Clécy and the natural site of the Roche d'Oëtre contrast with the Caen plateau further north. This Suisse Normande area, comprised of hills and valleys, attracts many visitors thanks to its extensive outdoor sports offer, together with many exceptional panoramic landscapes.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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