8 bis quai Carnot CS 54032 49400 Saumur
8 bis quai Carnot CS 54032 49400 Saumur
Located in the centre of town, facing the Loire and right next to the “Maison des Vins de Loire”.

The tourist office provides: advisors who are at your service 7 days a week, a free WiFi hotspot, a shop with a wide choice of local products, gifts, books and souvenirs for adults and children, accommodation and taxi reservations… a wide choice too of turnkey weekends and stays,. You can see more but pay less with preferential rates on entrance tickets, guided visits, day trips or week-end breaks for groups. Also available is bespoke organisation of conferences and seminars, an extensive tourist guide and a website so you can organise your own trip, plus you can entrust is with your luggage to lighten your load while you visit.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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