Saint-Clément-des-Baleines Tourist Office

8 place de l’Eglise 17590 Saint-Clément-des-Baleines
8 place de l’Eglise 17590 Saint-Clément-des-Baleines
In the centre of our villages, close to our visitors, partners, local residents, second homes and associations, the Destination Ile de Ré Welcome Offices are open all year round.
Our opening hours are adapted to the seasons and guarantee you from 240 to 363 days of opening per year depending on the Reception Office :-)

All our offices are accessible and have the Tourism and Handicap, Family Plus and Tourism Quality Mark labels to guarantee an optimal welcome for everyone!

Leave the reception office full of good advice thanks to the RoadBOOK!
Ask for a personalised travel diary according to your period of stay and your wishes.
This allows you to access information that is updated via your personal website (events, transport, activities, essentials, walking routes and much more...)!

You will find many services on site:
- Shop: postcards, local products (salt, jam, caramel...), souvenirs (Paris coin medal, totebag, posters, pens...), range of "Destination Ile de Ré" products (water bottle, mug, notebook, travel book for children...)
- Ticketing: sea outings (Ile d'Aix, Fort Boyard, La Rochelle, walks in the Breton channel, etc.), sea fishing, guided tours, etc.
- Free Wi-Fi (limited to 45 minutes per device)

Single number: +33 (0)5 46 09 00 55
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

Contact par mail

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