Pays d'Uzès Pont du Gard Destination Tourist Office

16 place Albert 1er 30700 Uzès
16 place Albert 1er 30700 Uzès
Located at the foot of the Cevennes and at the gateway to Provence, it is ideal for vacations combining a mild climate, a warm welcome, festivities, traditions and local produce.

Its thousand-year-old heritage will delight history lovers, especially the Pont du Gard, whose reputation is well known, as well as the numerous villages of character. But here the natural heritage has nothing to envy to the cultural. The surrounding nature is an open-air playground where all kinds of activities are possible: on land, on water and in the air.

You can discover a preserved nature and exceptional sites and you can take many hiking and cycling tours, including the famous Viarhôna. It is also a gourmet destination, where everyone will find something to satisfy their taste buds and quench their thirst. Our restaurateurs are talented and our markets offer succulent products. There is a wine for every occasion, accompanying for example olives and truffles.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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