Office de tourisme Seclin - Mélantois

70 Rue Roger Bouvry 59113 Seclin
70 Rue Roger Bouvry 59113 Seclin
"Located between Lille and Lens, the Mélantois region offers a lush green setting where natural spaces and waterways reign supreme, adding to the historical heritage that is an integral part of the metropolitan landscape. A territory with an ancient soul, dressed in modernity. At the heart of a radiant and endearing Hello Lille destination, the Mélantois reflects a palette of singularities and will be an ideal base camp for you to discover the Lille Metropolis. The Seclin Mélantois tourist office offers cyclists a personalized welcome and dedicated services.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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