Office de Tourisme Nouvelle Normandie - Bureau d'Informations Touristiques des Andelys

2 rue Grande 27700 Les Andelys
2 rue Grande 27700 Les Andelys
Vernon, one hour away from Paris, come and explore the New Normandy, a fascinating destination that holds iconic sites and attractions including the must-see village of Giverny with Claude Monet's Garden and the Museum of Impressionisms, or the famous Château-Gaillard in Les Andelys, where the river Seine, with its unique light, unfolds its most beautiful meanders. Strolling around the pathways of remarkable gardens, the riverside towns of Vernon and Les Andelys, exploring Norman heritage sites like chateaux and castles, museums, religious buildings, towns and villages that witnessed more than 1,000 years of history... Hiking, canoeing down rivers, going for a spot of fishing, flirting with the clouds in a microlight or a plane, enjoying a bucolic ride on board a little road train, treating yourself to a pampering day at one of the numerous Water Leisure Centres or spas, dancing to the rhythm of a festival, and going antique hunting, etc. there are a thousand and one ways to make the most of your stay in New Normandy. Hotels, self-catering holiday cottages or out-of-the-ordinary and charming B&Bs, traditional brasseries or fine-dining restaurants, you will find a wide range of accommodation and restaurants to choose from, either in towns or in the countryside. The Tourist Information Centre welcomes you its offices in Les Andelys, in Pacy-sur-Eure, in Vernon and in Giverny and will give you all the information and advice you need to make the most of your getaway in Normandy: accommodation booking, tickets for museums, attractions, activities, etc., shop (local products, crafts and gifts), free Wi-Fi access, and group booking service for groups of 15+.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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