1C place de l'hôtel de Ville 85300 Challans
1C place de l'hôtel de Ville 85300 Challans
Véronique and Elise invite you to enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside, to observe and discover the rich fauna and flora. The Marais Breton can be explored on foot, on horseback, by bike or by canoe. The picturesque little town of Sallertaine and its arts and crafts come alive during the Nocturnes in summer. The villages of the Bocage reveal all their charm as you follow the paths through the hedgerows. Proud of their history and their roots in market gardening, the people of Challans like to remember their past at the 1910 Foires à l'Ancienne, a living reconstruction of the customs and traditions of the beginning of the century in Challans town centre. Every Tuesday morning, one of the largest markets in the region offers a multitude of unpacked goods, with its varied gastronomy and lively poultry. Let yourself be guided along our trails, where fresh air and exercise combine with the pleasures of discovery.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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