Office de Tourisme du Grand Ried - Bureau d'information touristique de Benfeld

place de la République 67230 Benfeld
place de la République 67230 Benfeld
The Benfeld reception office is pleased to invite you to discover the Ried. When, while strolling through our town, you will have admired the built heritage of Benfeld, you will just have to cross the Ill river to enter one of the richest natural regions of Alsace: the Grand Ried. Several walking circuits have been created to arouse your desire to discover and share the secrets (nature, history, heritage, activities ...) of the villages of the Grand Ried. We also offer you other possibilities: by bike, by horse-drawn carriage or by canoe.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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