Office de Tourisme de Soulac-sur-Mer

68 rue de la Plage BP 2 33780 Soulac-sur-Mer
68 rue de la Plage BP 2 33780 Soulac-sur-Mer
"Put down your bags, you are on holiday in Soulac-sur-Mer!
Located in the heart of the pedestrian street, close to the Basilica of Notre-Dame-de-la-Fin-des-Terres, the market and the beach, the team is waiting to organise your stay, to give you advice, to tell you good tips and anecdotes about the colourful history of Soulac-sur-Mer!

The little extra? Follow the guide from the Tourist Office to discover the rich heritage of the town!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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