Office de Tourisme Charleville/Sedan en Ardenne - Sedan

15, Place d'Armes 08200 Sedan
15, Place d'Armes 08200 Sedan
Let yourself be enchanted by two princely cities and live to the rhythm of the festivals and the Meuse! Charleville and Sedan are two princely cities born of the will of princes builders: Charleville, the "ideal" city dreamed by Prince Charles de Gonzague, Duke of Nevers.Sedan, former principality dominated by its huge castle, work of the sovereign princes of Sedan, Dukes of Bouillon.Sedan and Charleville-Mézières are labeled City of Art and History. The label "Ville d'Art et d'Histoire" (City of Art and History) recognizes the promotion and mediation of heritage. It is all the actions of preservation, restoration, enhancement and discovery that are rewarded.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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